If you belive that a Domain Name we have registered or are Admin contact for is being missused then please contact us at with details of the issue. We will investigate and make contact with the owner of the domain name and where appropraite we will withdraw our services from the client.
Areas of abouse include
- Illegal Content
- Spam & Malware
- Abusive Content
- Commercail Rights
You may also take your complaint regarding a domain name registration to the relvant registrar for the domain name.
If you have an issue with the registration of a domain name then the relevant registries have domain dispute procedures. Please see one of the links below:
- For .uk names
- For .im names
- For .com Names
Informal procedure
Anyone who experiences a problem with their web service provided by 3 Legs Ltd should raise the matter directly using, giving sufficient information to locate the material (such as an url) and clearly outlining the grounds for complaint.
3 Legs Ltd will approach the individual responsible for the material in question with a view to resolving the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant.
Formal complaints procedure
The formal complaints procedure should only be used where the complainant feels that the nature of the complaint is too serious to be dealt with informally, or where a satisfactory conclusion has not been reached after following the informal procedure.
A formal complaint should be made in writing to 3 Legs Ltd, who will acknowledge receipt and ensure that the matter is looked into as soon as possible.
An initial response to any complaint can be expected within seven days of its receipt; a full and considered response to the complaint should be completed within 30 days and any subsequent remedy implemented with the minimum of delay.
The parties agree that if any dispute should arise under any agreement with 3 Legs Ltd, attempts in good faith by both parties will be made to resolve the matter fairly before resorting to court procedures. In doing so, each party agrees to use its best endeavor to:
Clearly communicate in writing the background facts leading to or causing the dispute
Set out clearly what action is required to settle the dispute
Select a way of resolving the dispute and explain why that way of resolving the dispute can be said to be a fair resolution
Discuss specific means of avoiding such disputes in the future
Attempts to resolve the dispute must follow the following procedure:
a) The person complaining shall set out in writing the background, the issues and the outcome desired.
b) The person to whom the complaint is addressed will reply in writing within 10 business days to each issue in dispute setting out its perspective on the issue and the outcome desired.
c) If the dispute is not resolved in accordance with this exchange of written issues and outcomes, then the complainant will raise the matter with a neutral professional adviser within 10 business days.
d) If the dispute is not resolved in accordance with such reference, the matter shall be referred to a single agreed arbitrator within 10 business days; whose decision shall be final.